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신혜란 겸무연구원

, 이민자 연구

대표저서 및 논문

2020 제주 지역성 연구 – 별도공간 개념의 적용. 『한국지역지리학회지』 26(2). (공저)
2020 Transnational Ethnic Networks. In: Kobayashi, A. (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Human Geography 2(13).
2019 Transnational Religious Place-Making: Sri Lankan Migrants’ Physical and Virtual Buddhist Places in South Korea. Space and Cul ture 22 (4). (공저)
2019 Extra-territorial nation-building in flows and relations: North Korea in the global networks and an ethnic enclave. Political Geo graphy 74.
2018 Urbanisation and land use transition in a second-tier city: The emergence of small factories in Gimpo, South Korea. Land Use Pol icy 77. (공저)
2018 The territoriality of ethnic enclaves: dynamics of transnational practices and geopolitical relations within and beyond a Korean t ransnational enclave in New Malden, London. Annals of the American Association of Geographers 108(3).
2018 Governed mobilities and the expansion of spatial capability of Vietnamese marriage migrant activist women i n South Korea. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 39. (공저)
2018 동화-초국적주의 지정학런던 한인타운 내 한국인과의 교류 속 탈북민의 일상과 담론에서 나타난 재영토화. 『대한지리학회지』 53(1) .
2017 이동통치와 불안계급의 공간전략. 『공간과 사회』 27(4) .
2017 A Mega Urban Project and Two Competing Accumulation Strategies: Negotiating Discourses of the Songdo International City De velopment. International Development Planning Review 39(3). (공저)
2017 도시 비공식성과 공식성의 상호구성: 김포시 개별입지공장을 사례로. 『대한지리학회지』 52(3) . (공저)
2017 The regime of urban informality in migration: Accommodating undocumented Chosŏnjok migrants in their receiving comm unity in Seoul, South Korea. Pacific Affairs 90(3). (공저)
2017 Risk politics and the pro-nuclear growth coalition in Japan in relation to the Fukushima. Energy & Environment 28(4).
2017 Knowledge communication and non-communication in the water governance of the Saemangeum area, South Korea. Journal of Cleaner Production 156. (공저)
2017 Participatory governance and trans-sectoral mobilities: The new dynamics of adaptive preferences in the case of transport plann ing in Seoul, South Korea. Cities 65. (공저)
2017 Joseonjok and their evolving roles as mediators in transnational enterprises in Qingdao, China. Asian and Pacific Migration Jou rnal 26(1).
2016 기억의 영토화 – 세월호 기억공간 형성과정을 사례로. 『공간과 사회』 26(3). (공저)
2016 대항품행 그리고 성미산 스타일: 발전주의 도시화를 넘어. 『경제와 사회』 111.
2016 Re-making a place-of-memory: The competition between representativeness and place-making knowledge in Gwangju, South Korea. Urban Studies 53(16).
2015 The emergence of a multi-scalar growth regime and scalar tension: The politics of urban development in Songdo New City, South Korea. Environment and Planning C: Government & Policy 33(6). (공저)
2015 Risk Perceptions in UK Climate Change and Energy Policy Narratives. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 17(1). (공저)
2014 Debates around Cultural Re-imaging and Culture-led Urban Regeneration: The Politics of two Festivals in Gwangju and Gla sgow. Asian Journal of Social Science 41(6). (공저)
2014 Urban festivals and local social space. Planning Practice and Research 29(1). (공저)
2013 영국의 탄소규제와 환경정책: 녹색국가 전략의 재평가. 『한국지리지역학회지』 19(2). (공저)
2013 How Culture and Economy Meet: the Politics of Cultural Economy in a Culture-led Urban Regeneration. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 37(5). (공저)
2012 Negotiating the Polycentric City Region: Developmental State Politics of New Town Development in the Seoul Capital Region. Urban Studies 49(6).
2011 초국적 이주와 다문화사회의 지리학: 연구 동향과 주요 주제. 『현대사회와 다문화』 6. (공저)
2011 Spatial Capability for Understanding Gendered Mobility for Korean Christian Immigrant Women in Los Angeles. Urban Studies 48(11).
2010 Can One Actually Say What One Wants? – Adaptive Preferences in the Negotiation Process. Planning Theory and Practice 11(3).
2008 A New Insight into Urban Poverty: The Culture of Capability Poverty amongst Korean Immigrant Women in Los Angeles. Urban Studies 45(4).
2005 What if Immigrants Had Not Migrated? Determinants and Consequences of Korean Immigration to the US. American Journal of Economics and Sociology 64 (2).
2004 Communicative Action Theory and the Network Society: A Pragmatic Marriage?. Journal of Planning Education and Research 24 (2). (공저)
2004 Cultural Festivals and Regional Identity in South Korea. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 22(4)
2002 Interracial Marriage and Residential Well Being: Consequences of Interracial Marriage for Korean Women in the US. Asian Journal of Women’s Studies 8(3). (공저)
1998 장소 마케팅 전략 형성 과정에 대한 비교 연구: 태백 부산, 광주를 사례로. 『국토계획』 33(6).
2020  “세월호 기억공간과 사람들,”  『이후의 사람들 – 세월호 참사 인터뷰 기록집』, 안산시 세월호참사수습지원단 기획. (공저)
2020  The Cultural Politics of Urban Development in South Korea – Art, Memory and Urban Boosterism in Gwangju, New York: Routledge.
2019 “제 7장 동화-초국적주의 지정학,” 『한반도의 신지정학-경계, 분단, 통일에 대한 새로운 상상력』 , 한울아카데미. (공저)
2019 “도시와 다문화사회”, 『도시해석』, 푸른길. (공저)
2016 『우리는 모두 조선족이다 – 뉴몰든에서 칭다오까지, 오늘도 떠나는 사람들』 , 이매진. (공편)
2016 『Geo-insight 타이베이』 , 푸른길.
2011 “New Towns for Suburbs? Developmental State Politics and New Town Development in Seoul Capital Region,”  International Perspectives on Suburbanisation: A post-Suburban World?, Palgrave Macmillan. (공저)
2007 “Korean Immigrant Women to Los Angeles: Relgious Space, Transformative Space?”,  Women, Religion an d Place, Syracuse,NY: Syracuse University Press. (공저)
2004 “Communicative Action Theory and the Network Society: A Pragmatic Marriage?”,  The Network Society: The New Context for Planning, London: Routledge. (공저)